Private Hire - Fire Engine Bar

Private Hire

Whereever you need us, we will be there!

Our engine is available for bookings all throughout the year, all over the UK. Wherever you are, we can come to you. We have many features including our fully working sirens and lights, as well as a small area for you to sit in and enjoy your beer.

Mobile Bar Hire

If our fire engine is not quite the right fit for your event, don't worry we can provide any kind of bar requirements that you need. We have years of experience in event management especially within food and drink sectors.

We have a range of bar equipment ready to go out to serve your needs at weddings, birthdays, even family BBQs, you name it we have you covered. It's not all alcoholic eithier, we can even supply Tango Ice Blast, which is the UK's favorite fizzy frozen slush.

Event Ideas...

  • Outdoor Cinema Night
  • Garden Parties
  • Festivals
  • Birthday Parties
  • Stag & Hen Do's
  • Weddings
  • Charity Events
  • Why choose The Fire Engine Bar for your event?

    Speedy Service

    Although we seem a fairly small bar we can serve very quickly and reduce big cues within minutes, our setup has been designed to allow 20 serving points at anyone time. We can even add more taps if required.

    Experienced & Friendly Staff

    All our staff are polite and friendly and always willing to go the extra mile for our clients and customers, they are all experienced bar staff and we always have a licence holder and first aider as part of our team.

    Fair Pricing

    If your a customer or event organiser you can be sure to count on us for fair pricing and rental offers. We understand from both sides of the bar what is expected and we will always meet those expectations.


    Each year we support a chartiy by organising an event with all proceeds raised donated to our nominated charity, last year we hosted a cinema event with our Double Decker food bus and Fire Engine bar, which raised £5,000.