Contact Us - Fire Engine Bar

Previous Happy Customers


'We loved having the fire engine for the launch of our new accountacy office in Durham. It brought something special and unique to the table, something our guests most definitely won't forget!'

Staxonbury - 2018

'This bar stands out and brought in many customers at the festival. The beers were incredible, and the speedy service made it an easier option for most who kept returning for more.'

Mr & Mrs Walker

'If you are having doubts about hiring this engine, forget about them! The team were extremely friendly and acquired to our taste of our alcohol favourites making it an amazing experience for all. (Looked extremely good in our wedding photographs too)!'

Saint Catherine's Hospice

'The Fire Engine Bar was amazing when raising money for our cause. After attending one of our events, They then gave all proceeds to the hospice enabling us to reach our target in the fundraiser! Would love to work with them again, a perfect team with such genuine qualities.'